Classes & Counseling Services
Here at Clinical and Psychological Services, we provide engaging, interactive and effective court approved shoplifting prevention classes to clients that have been accused of shoplifting or theft. This is a live instructor led course and we dive deep into why people shoplift and steal. We also expose the underlying issues that may cause Kleptomania or compulsive stealing. We also offer solutions that our clients can apply immediately after leaving class.
Our Services
We offer many services from Defensive Driving, Counceling, Divorce Classes and more.
Ready to find out more?

Cordele Location:
101 13th Ave East (SUITE A)
Cordele, Ga 31015-4272
Office: (229) 417-5147 Fax (229) 417-5166
Email: info@asdcga.com
State DI Cert#: 2257
RRP Cert#: 10296
Americus Location:
1102 East Jefferson Street
Americus, GA 31709
Office: (229) 514-1599
State DI Cert#: 2364
RRP Cert#: 10426
We are here for YOU!
24 Hours a Day / 7 Days a Week